TOUR, INC. Learning Style Questionaire |
Learner * Auditory
Learner * Tactile
Learner * Questionaire
* Conclusion and References * E-Assessment gather pertinent information about learners. These instruments can reveal information valuable to both the instructor and student and can be found in the form of questionnaires, readiness surveys or learning style inventories. (Diaz & Bontenbal, 1999). For an instructor, knowledge gained from these assessments can be useful in designing curriculum that meet different student learning styles. If optimal student learning is to be achieved, then learner preferences need to be considered. Instructors should be aware of these differences and alter their preparation and instructional methods accordingly (Diaz & Bontenbal, 1999). These assessments, or learning style inventories, can be just as useful to the learner by discovering their preferred learning style and by determining the types of learning situations in which they would be most successful. If students are to play an important role in learning, the instructor must seek to understand the students and their preferences for learning. Learning is facilitated by helping students to understand their learning preferences and by providing them sufficient opportunities to meet those preferences. It is important to use assessments at the onset of a learning situation so the instructor is better prepared to guide the student through the learning process and the student is better prepared to make decisions that will lead to successful outcomes (Diaz & Bontenbal, 1999). The following is a questionaire to assist you in determining your learning style. Please print out this page in order to complete the questionaire and scoring.
the preference score under each heading. You may print this page to help you fill in the scoring table OFTEN = 5 points
*VPS = Visual Preference Score **APS = Auditory Preference Score ***TPS = Tactile Preference Score |
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